My grandpa, John, was a great man. Many times he was quiet with a subtle sense of humor (probably because my grandma Alice talked all the time). I remember him as a very hard worker and proud farmer. Since we grew up across the street from him he was part of our daily lives and as an adult I am grateful for that opportunity. He celebrated holidays and our birthdays with us every year, ringing the door bell every time he came over even though he live across the street and was invited 🙂 He was terrible on the phone – he hardly spoke and always hung up without saying “goodbye”. My sister, Becky, was very close to him and would have her second breakfast with him every morning before she started school. He would have fried eggs and drink his coffee off of the saucer – he let it cool that way. He also ate tomatoes with sugar and pigs feet – that was always interesting when you opened the lid on the pot. My brother, John, was named after him. John’s son Avery is the only male in our branch of the family tree to carry on the Rosandich family name. I never remember my grandpa calling me by my name. He ALWAYS called me Urch – the nickname he gave me as a toddler because I reminded him of street urchin (not the sea creature.). I was 27 when he passed and he still called me Urch 🙂 I wish my children could have know him like I did. I am proud to be his granddaughter and my Croatian heritage. Even though I was teased and heard more combinations of Rose and Dick names than I can remember I am proud of my heritage and love my family!

Submitted by Lissa Radder on July 7, 2017